270 degrees clockwise
270 degrees clockwise

270 degrees clockwise

  • If the point (x,y) is rotating about the origin in 180-degrees counterclockwise direction, then the new position of the point becomes (-x,-y).
  • If the point (x,y) is rotating about the origin in 180-degrees clockwise direction, then the new position of the point becomes (-x,-y).
  • So, the 180-degree rotation about the origin in both directions is the same and we make both h and k negative.

    270 degrees clockwise

    When the point M (h, k) is rotating through 180°, about the origin in a Counterclockwise or clockwise direction, then it takes the new position of the point M’ (-h, -k). Check out this article and completely gain knowledge about 180-degree rotation about the originwith solved examples. Both 90° and 180° are the common rotation angles.

    270 degrees clockwise

    One of the rotation angles ie., 270° rotates occasionally around the axis. Generally, there are three rotation angles around the origin, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees. Any object can be rotated in both directions ie., Clockwise and Anticlockwise directions. Rotation in Maths is turning an object in a circular motion on any origin or axis. Students who feel difficult to solve the rotation problems can refer to this page and learn the techniques so easily.

    270 degrees clockwise